Tuesday, July 31, 2012

July 31st, Day 2 of teaching.

      The excitement was high this morning. We were teaching PAINT- a program on the computers to teach the students how to draw pictures. They were eager to learn and once they have just a little bit of intruction they worked as a team to figure out the details of how the program worked. The Malagassy way is to help others. The students were a prime example of this concept. Look at their faces! This group is the youngest of the gang. The five year old was one of the most adept on the computer.

The students are very creative and a sheer joy to teach. Lisa and I are so thrilled that they are soaking up the eduction that we are providing.

July 30, 2012 First Day of Teaching- Education is a privilege.

It was an incredible day. We set up the classroom and the kids arrived from across the land. One girl walked one hour to get to school- and walking here is not easy. Lisa and I were thrilled with the morning session with the children. We set up the five laptops and arranged in our minds that two students would sit at each computer. Sure enough, students arrived and took up their positions. We had eight students in the morning. Not bad. We were thrilled with the students as they loved the program that Mark (colleague at St. Andrew's of Lisa), had put together on each laptop. We do not have internet so the computers work as stand alones.

I guess the word travelled across the land because in the afternoon we had thirteen students and were getting chairs from another room! Lisa and I were a little shocked but loved every single child that came to the room. It made me ponder as I am sure I will often in the next two weeks. Education is a privilege. It is not something that just happens here. People struggle here. There is no running water, some do not have food, luxuries are not evident and sometimes there is no one to teach. Yet, once the students were in the classroom they were no different than at Appleby. Some of the studnets were totally engaged. Some went beyond the expectations of Lisa and I, some were a little goofy. All in all, they have just lacked leadership, guidance and teaching but each one of them showed talents. Let's hope that they all arrive tomorrow!

Sunday, July 29, 2012

July 29, 2012 Sunday

Patsy McGregor came to the Victory Hotel today and we went to church with her. It was amazing. The singing, the children and the compassion created an atmosphere of delight. Lisa is an inspiration as her heart is here in Madagascar with the children. She is passionate about offering assistance to these children and committed to brining education to them. We all have talents and gifts. Patsy is a leader in her field and impressive to see her at work. She leads though prayer and a belief system that empowers women and those around her. It is troubling to see so many children without food and proper shelter. yet, I am stuck with the joy in their eyes and their openness.

We are starting out teaching tomorrow. It will be challenging as most people speak Malagasy, some speak some French and a very few speak English. We do have a translator and computers. Lisa has set up a wonderful set of lessons with the assistance of her technology people at St. Andrew's.

I am thrilled to be here and to get going with opening the work of technology to them tomorrow.

Saturday, July 28, 2012

July 28th, 2012 Saturday


I left Oakville at 10:20 am on Friday July 26th, 2012 with my daughter Nisha, as she drove me to the airport. A compulsory Tim Horton’s coffee and a few minutes together was a wonderful way to start my trip and calm my excitement about going to Madagascar.

Then a flight to Montreal, just a puddle jump! Once in Montreal, it was an easy check in with a woman from Madagascar at the Air France desk. I took that as a good omen as she was not only from Madagascar but her home town was Toliara. She suggested specific areas to visit and was delighted that Lisa and I would go and help her people.  It was a heartwarming feeling and made me even more excited to get there.


Arriving in Paris was exhilarating. I love Paris- even if it is only the Charles de Gaulle airport. Arriving early was easy as no one was there and I breezed through security. At my gate I read and waiting anxiously for Lisa to arrive two hours later. Lisa arrived and we connected easily so our worries were over. At least now we were together to support and talk to each
Antananarivo, Madagascar
After 11 hours on our flight from Paris we arrived at 1am and were held up as each person on the flight was checked and double check and hand written and stamped three times and examined three times. All in all painfully slow and a beginning culturally to our transition from North American speed. Luckily, we were in no hurry so it was just a transit to our hotel to sleep and wait until tomorrow.

July 28, 2012 Saturday

Hotel Cheval Blanc

It was a freezing cold sleep around 13 degrees and a slow start today in Antananarivo.  We met Raquel Rodriguez from Andorra (La Massana). She is working with Bel Avenir, an NGO that works out of Toliara. She is a graduate and a teacher in Andorra.  We had a lovely lunch together and time to get acquainted.

Tolear- Toliara

The last leg of the trip was late leaving but we have arrived safely. Hotel Victory was having a huge party, a band dancing and great food. We liked to think that it was in our honor, but we were informed that it was a government function. Regardless, we were able to watch some dancing and hear music from the area. We also successfully got settled into our rooms and enjoyed local beer and pizza.



Thursday, July 26, 2012

Today is the day! Off to Madagascar via Montreal and Paris!

Last minute arrangements are complete and I am ready to go! I just keep wondering what I have forgotten to pack! At this point, I am feeling all set and ready. The medical kit is the purple bag you see in the photo. Appleby sends many faculty and students on adventures and they seem to have come to the conclusion that this is what is required. I have to trust the expereince of those who have traveled to remote areas so Lisa and I have decided that I should bring the bag. It is heavier and bigger than my luggage but I am feeling confident that it will be of great help once we arrive. At least it is a security blanket at the least!
Off to Montreal in an hour- then to Paris- then meet Lisa and we head to Madagascar together. In two days I will be in the capital, Antananarivo, awaiting a flight to Toliara. We plan to stay at Cheval Blanc http://www.cheval-blanc-madagascar.com/chambres-cheval-blanc.html as we wait for the flight to Toliara. Once in Toliara we are staying at Victory Hotel http://www.hoteltulear-victory.com/en/index.html. Have a look if you are interested. While you are checking out these locations have a look at http://madagascarinmyheart.org/ - this is what Lisa Gustinelli put together last year and our trip is listed on it for this year.
Off to the airport! Love you all.

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Preparing For Madagascar


Thank you Andrew Lynch for helping set up Blogger for my trip to Madagascar!

2 more sleeps!

In just two more sleeps I will be boarding a plane to Montreal, then to Paris then to Madagascar. Once in Madagascar another flight finally ends the journey with landing in Toliara. Phew! It takes a number of days but that part will simply  increase the anticipation of getting there!
A number of last minute details have been done- shots at the doctor, locating my passport, getting clothing sorted out, collecting teaching material, small gifts from Canada are filling my bag, talking to Lisa on Skype, livescribe pens to pack with the books to go with them, water shoes, medicine travel bag and packing the camera. So much to look forward to!