Tuesday, July 31, 2012

July 30, 2012 First Day of Teaching- Education is a privilege.

It was an incredible day. We set up the classroom and the kids arrived from across the land. One girl walked one hour to get to school- and walking here is not easy. Lisa and I were thrilled with the morning session with the children. We set up the five laptops and arranged in our minds that two students would sit at each computer. Sure enough, students arrived and took up their positions. We had eight students in the morning. Not bad. We were thrilled with the students as they loved the program that Mark (colleague at St. Andrew's of Lisa), had put together on each laptop. We do not have internet so the computers work as stand alones.

I guess the word travelled across the land because in the afternoon we had thirteen students and were getting chairs from another room! Lisa and I were a little shocked but loved every single child that came to the room. It made me ponder as I am sure I will often in the next two weeks. Education is a privilege. It is not something that just happens here. People struggle here. There is no running water, some do not have food, luxuries are not evident and sometimes there is no one to teach. Yet, once the students were in the classroom they were no different than at Appleby. Some of the studnets were totally engaged. Some went beyond the expectations of Lisa and I, some were a little goofy. All in all, they have just lacked leadership, guidance and teaching but each one of them showed talents. Let's hope that they all arrive tomorrow!

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