Wednesday, August 1, 2012

August 1st, 2012.

Empowering Women and Young Men
      As in any country the stuggles that women seem to bear are sometimes overwhelming. Here in Madagascar women seem to bear many struggles but are often resilient to these challenges. They are like every ready bunnies- they just keep on going! At church there was a woman, nursing her baby, pregant, and looking after about six other children with her bling husband sitting close by. Patsy says that often women have seven children. It seems incredible to me.
     We are trying to empower both boys and young girls here. It is an interesting dynamic in the classroom as often the girls are subservient and passive. It is always in the corner of my eye- just watching to make sure that they all get equal time on the computer. They are very respectful of us as teachers and of each other. It is just so exciting and they tend to get a hold of the computer and get lost in the excitement of the expereince! We are both thrilled with the way that the students are embracing the technology.

     Thank you Appleby for giving me the opportunity to be here, to mentor young people and to share the knowledge that I have acquired with those who appreciate knowing it!

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