Thursday, August 2, 2012

Human Touch

I was touched today by one of my students in our class today. Lisa and I took a "pussepusse" from our school to the other side of town. One of our students is a "pussepusse" driver. It is a bike that has a place for two people to sit behind him and they drive you to where you wanted to go. Part of the "road" was pure sand so we had to get out and help him push the bike along.

Lisa and Johnson were walking beside us pushing his bike along. Johnson is our translator for week one. He is an extraordinary person. He also teaches English and asked us to come as his guests to his class.  It was a wonderful experience. I was touched by the commitment that this young man has toward others in his community. He teaches English to those who want to learn. He is a fine young person and if the world was full of Johnson's we would all be in good hands.

We saw a few of our students who live close to the church that we were at and it is a very long walk to our computer lab everyday. The girl with her back to us in this photo is Veronique and she is cooking the dinner of bread and potatoes. The other two are also in our class- barefoot and just surprised to see us! It was nice to see where they live and impressive to see how far they walk everyday to learn from us. I am humbled and I was touched by their pure excitement to see us in their area of town.

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