Sunday, August 12, 2012

Leaving Toliara

Today we were toured
around Tana by a family that we met at Ifaty.
A very proud Malagasy family who wanted
to show us their home town.

Tanna is the largest city in Madagascar -large it is and poor. Yet the people are happy and have a quiet manner that is very appealing.

There is poverty everywhere and a low level of exposure to education for the general population. The infastucutre of general -food and shelter- for a healthy life- are maginal at the least. Yet, everyday life continues and people are most agreeable. The contast is incredible to see.
You see everything on the road. Here is an
example. A "bus" going by while a small Mr. Bean car/truck with four people in it, three men pushing a cart of coal in bags on the far side of the road and another man pulling a cart full of hay for the zubu. Meanwhile just off the road on the far side is a rugby competition going on. They were playing on the dry earth. No grass.

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