Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Week 2 Saturday- Market Day and Shopping

Market Day and Adventures on the street.

Color- everywhere bright colors. You should see the market! Full of artifacts and local work. fascinating. Beautiful items. This is the main "downtown" area for shopping of local work. We managed to get baskets, artificats and a few other items to sell at our schools when we get home. That way the money that we collect we can send back for the kids. I am pretty sure that the lombas will sell to the girls. The boys will like the game that they play with marbels.

Zafy and Johnson met us at the market and worked as translators and negotiators for the idems! They were the best! Without them I am sure we would have not done well. They are wonderful young men. Zafy is engaged to be married and the two families were meeting next weekend for the first time. He had to provide a zebu and show that he was capable of caring for the daughter of the other family. He did seem a little nervous! Such a fun time for him and his bride to be!

Woman carry an extraordinary about of weight on their heads while also carring items in their hands. She has three aluminum pots with hot lunch in htem on her head- full of food- and is carring fuel in one hand and a bucket with items in it in the other hand. Is she not extraordinary? She has also covered fher face with a yellow mud like paste. They do this to make their skin more beautiful and to protect their skin from the hot sun. She is wearning a lamba. She is amazing.  and thinks nothing of the jobs that she is doing. Walking miles probably in flipflops as well. Extraordinary. Wonderful to see.

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