Sunday, August 5, 2012

Week 2 Monday August 6, 2012 Sharing Language

Zafy is our translator for week 2. We would be lost without him. He did not know any English and in the past two years has managed to learn enough language to translate everything we are saying to Malagassy or French. He went to Kenya for one year to be fully immersed into English and has returned to Toliaria fully capable of translation. He is an outstanding young man, full of hope and intelligence. He is very capable.
This is Aubin and Tairy. Aubin was our translator for 1/2 of week one. He can speak English, French and Malagassy. So very talented! He is meticulous, keen and focused. We were lucky to have him as his postive energy was contagious with all the students in the classroom. He is as special as his lovely smile!
This is Johnson and Natalie. Johnson is our translator who speaks Malagassy and English. He is a wonderful teacher and works out of the I Want To Learn English lab. He also teaches English at night time in a church. He asked Lisa and I to come along as guests to teach and to talk to his students. It was heartwarming. His students were amazing and simply interested in getting better at speaking English. They live in the slum area near the church but all of them were well groomed and very appreciative of our efforts. It was very rewarding for me.

Sharing language and trying to figure out what we are all saying and trying to do is part of the fun with being here. Everything is a stuggle but all of it is with such great pleasure and appreciation. The Malagassy people are so kind and so generous with their approach to life. I came to teach them technology but they have taught me so much.

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