Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Toliara, Madagascar and the Meeting House.

Bishop Todd and Patsy McGregor are the couple that are hosting Lisa's Madagascar in my Heart initiative. They are quite the couple and I am sure that you will be interested in reading about them.
Here is an article that will open your eyes to the work that some people choose to do in their day!

The Gathering Place is a lovely compound that is just outside Toliara. This is Patsy at her new desk in a building where the classroom that we used was right behind it.


  1. Deb,
    I am a friend of Lisa's and was the mission team leader that brought Lisa to Madagascar. Please know that many are praying for you. This is wonderful you are there sharing your gifts with so many!!

    1. Cheryl,
      It is my pleasure and honor to be here with Lisa. We had a full day today teaching this morning and afternoon then off at 5pm to Ankilefali to see Elizabeth and the lab then teaching in the church- just as you did last year. (thanks for paving the way!) It was an enriching eveening. No amount of money could ever give you the rich feeling that I have tonight. I am very lucky. I hope that I get to meet you one day! Thanks for the post.

  2. Great to see all your posts! Good job over there! Xoxo nisha

    1. Hi Nisha,
      Thanks so much for your post. I feel so lucky for the day that I have had with so many young people who just want an opportunity to learn! It was heartwarming as at church we had 25 people there to learn English from our translator, Johnson, but he asked us to help him. What fun we had! They simply want to talk English!
      I miss you tons, honey! love Mom
