Sunday, August 5, 2012

Friday August 1st 2012 Graduation Day for Week 1

Morning Graduation

Here are all the people involved in the first week of school for Madagascar in My Heart, week one.
The students were very successful and we are proud of all of their efforts. Of course none of this would not have happened if Lisa had not had the idea, if Todd and Patsy did not embarace her idea, if I had not come with Lisa and if we did not have traslators. One top of that we have had many people financially support us. I could not be here if Appleby had not given me the money to explore this initiative. Thank you to those at Appleby who chose to give me this opportunity. All together, each one of us doing a part of the vision allowed for each one of the students to find success at school. It was rewarding and heartbreaking to see them leave.

Afternoon Graduation

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